
2022-08-13 14:46:32 By : Mr. Mike Lu

ESA scientists think that human waste can be used to make some robust concrete to 3D print habitats and create a lunar base. According to a new study published in Science Direct, urea would be a good ‘superplasticizer’ for lunar geopolymer mixture to make habitats on the Moon.

Lunar geopolymer mixture is a construction material similar to concrete. So, just as concrete needs water, this lunar geopolymer mixture also needs a plasticiser to make it more malleable before it can be hardened into a structure. According to the paper, researchers tested the use of urea as a plasticiser as it “is the second most abundant component in urine (after water), it is readily available anywhere there are humans.”

In their study, researchers found that urea was effective than other common plasticisers like naphthalene and polycarboxylate at reducing the need for water. The main ingredient of the lunar geopolymer mixture would be the soil found from lunar regolith while urea would act as the superplasticiser.

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The process to make lunar geopolymer mixture mainly uses materials available on-site thus reducing the need for large amounts of supplies to be launched from the Earth. This is known as In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU).

From astronaut waste to superplasticiser, urine could help build robust concrete for a #Moonbase. Researchers are bringing urea, lunar dust simulant and 3D printing to the mix to #ExploreFarther 👉 https://t.co/VzIznMgCNd pic.twitter.com/Whuc1ozP3m

According to the ESA, the mix was used to 3D print samples which “proved to be stronger and retained good workability.” The samples were able to retain their shape even while supporting up to 10 times their own weight. Several tests further showed that the structures made from this building material would hold-up against the vacuum and temperatures that are in space.

The initiator and co-author of the study, Marlies Arnhof from ESA’s Advanced Concepts Team said in the ESA article, “The science community is particularly impressed by the high strength of this new recipe compared to other materials, but also attracted by the fact that we could use what’s already on the Moon.”

The ESA research collaboration with various universities is also exploring the use of this technique here on Earth while also perfecting the mix with other possible ingredients available on the Moon.

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