lab4you: Supporting Young Scientists with Bright Ideas Labmate Online

2022-08-20 12:17:05 By : Mr. Jeff Xu

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Young scientists from all over Europe are being invited to apply for laboratory bench space in the "Shimadzu Laboratory World" located at the company’s European headquarters in Duisburg, Germany, as part of the lab4you student programme.

With the opportunity to pursue their own creative research projects, the students will be able to access and use state-of-the-art laboratory equipment provided by Shimadzu, a leading analytical instrumentation company. HPLC/UHPLC, SFC and GC as well as mass spectrometry, MALDI, spectroscopy (UV, IR, FTIR, ICP) and materials testing technology are all available in an area of 1,500 square meters.

"The spacious laboratory environment with its high-quality systems ideally supports young scientists in advancing their research approaches and innovations," said Björn-Thoralf Erxleben, Shimadzu European Innovation Center. "Topics explored in the lab4you program range from new UHPLC MS-MS methods for battery research, metabolites of drugs in plants, or the fracture and fatigue behavior of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics, to the development of new methods for therapeutic drug monitoring."

Young scientists from Austria, Italy, Poland and Germany, who are at the beginning of their careers and professional development, have already advanced their research hunder this initiative, the company said.

The lab4you program is affiliated with the Shimadzu European Innovation Center, bringing together business and academia, while working with universities across Europe to develop analytics solutions for tomorrow, that is, new methods, instruments, techniques and software solutions.

Interested scientists should apply by October 31, 2022 with a short abstract of their research work in English. Laboratory space will be available for the duration of the research project. Requirements for participation in the lab4you program are a degree in the natural sciences, an inspiring research topic and prior knowledge of analytical technology. The program is aimed at master's and doctoral students, as well as post-docs from all scientific fields in which analytical instrumentation or materials testing technology play a role. An internal jury will select the successful applicant.

Shimadzu also offers interested universities a selection of promotional materials that are welcome to be displayed or distributed to potential participants. Contact Uta Steeger for further details, email:

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